Scruffy was rescued from an Animal Shelter by Denise over 18 months ago, and had lived her prior 8 months in a cage. She was just getting all settled in and comfortable in her new home ... when along came Tansy ... who thinks that every tabby cat is just like Madge, waiting to be chased and scrapped with. We just wish Scruffy would get on with it and give Tansy a hiding instead of retreating to high places.
Consequently, we now have our own recluse Garbo who retires either to her bedroom in the hot water cupboard, or the penthouse on top of the pantry.
Scruffy being totally oblivious to everything except food in her favourite warm spot
Tansy has a lot of growing up to do but is getting slightly more obedient. We will need to think about how to keep her restrained at Fossils Retreat. She thinks every animal or being is in her world to play with and be her new friend. There will be a lot of yelling and no doubt, child abuse when we get settled in at Fossils Retreat and start gathering livestock. She is still absolutely fascinated with Scruffy. We still have to lock her in the bedroom to get Scruffy in and out of the cat door. After all this time ...
Tansy is, we and various other persons with doggy knowledge agreed, made up of the following recognisable varieties : Whippet, Rhodesian Ridgeback, Fox Terrior ... the SPCA told me they were told her father was an alsation ... we don't know how much more parentage out there ... Huge heart, not quite so huge brain ... but very loveable
Madge was a baby from friends, and as the more astute of you will have noted, is quite similar to Scruffy in appearance. We often get confused still. (Both tabbies, for you less observant). She dislikes milk and fish and chicken and chop bones but will happily guts anything else around. Can demolish a dog biscuit in 2 minutes flat (after getting it out of the bag). Often brings loving gifts inside (headless birds, moths, wetas and the like). Has an ongoing fascination with the toilet - likes creating paws-on-art around the bowl interior.
So, that's the kids who you will read mentioned from time to time.
Just a trial post to see if it works Jean