Sunday, November 29, 2009
Plenty of Room for Dancing ...
As Jacob the Builder told Denise - ' you won't need a key to get in'.
Pretty much open air stuff here! The digger in the background belongs to the septic tank installer
Our Builder has Started!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Over the Hill
From Wellington city to Featherston, about 1 hr 20 mins drive. We currently live in Lower Hutt, about where the '2' is on the map, and it's exactly 1 hour's drive from here to Fossils Retreat in Carterton
Here's some tourist blurb on the Wairarapa Region : Nestled at the southern end of the North Island, this region combines urban life with wilderness experiences and the simple pleasures of a rural paradise. The Wairarapa region offers exciting opportunities to acquaint yourself with New Zealand's rural off-the-beaten-track charm. Fringed by mountains and rugged coast, the region offers a diverse range of experience for lovers of great wine, gourmet organically grown food, astonishing wildlife and natural beauty. The area is particularly renowened as a wine-growing region, boasting over 30 vineyards. The Wairarapa is also home to a wealth of other specialist food growers - from olive oils, fruits and vegetables, nuts and herbs, to honey, traditional cider (alcoholic - for American interest), boutique beer, cheeses and chocolate - this region is the perfect destination for those with an interest in culinary indulgence.
That pretty well sums it all up ... heaps more, of course, and we know several secrets ... about all sorts of things
Photos taken while travelling 'over the hill'.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Several Surprises
New garage on site. A lovely big one, 9 metres long. The first water tank on lhs was delivered several weeks ago, and no, contrary to several comments we have heard, it is just resting there before it goes in alongside the garage
And another surprise ... the meter board has (sort of) been attached to the house
Our $4K+ power and phone cables laid across the drive. Bit of a worry with it all lying in last week's downpour, eh?
We got stuck in to more demolishing. Denise couldn't wait to seriously address this wardrobe in the back bedroom.
This is likely to be as far as the interior decorating for this bedroom goes, folks. About #23 on the Priorities list. We will be taking a metre or so in from the wall on Denise's rhs, and a metre or so from the adjoining front bedroom, and making a dinky tiny little bathroom with a new door in from the hall
All the bits of wood and fixtures deemed 'able to be reused' (most of it - we don't throw away much) were stored in the new garage. We have rapidly growing piles of timber, firewood and rubbish outside.
And another nice surprise !
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Meet the Dependants
Scruffy was rescued from an Animal Shelter by Denise over 18 months ago, and had lived her prior 8 months in a cage. She was just getting all settled in and comfortable in her new home ... when along came Tansy ... who thinks that every tabby cat is just like Madge, waiting to be chased and scrapped with. We just wish Scruffy would get on with it and give Tansy a hiding instead of retreating to high places.
Consequently, we now have our own recluse Garbo who retires either to her bedroom in the hot water cupboard, or the penthouse on top of the pantry.
Scruffy being totally oblivious to everything except food in her favourite warm spot
Tansy has a lot of growing up to do but is getting slightly more obedient. We will need to think about how to keep her restrained at Fossils Retreat. She thinks every animal or being is in her world to play with and be her new friend. There will be a lot of yelling and no doubt, child abuse when we get settled in at Fossils Retreat and start gathering livestock. She is still absolutely fascinated with Scruffy. We still have to lock her in the bedroom to get Scruffy in and out of the cat door. After all this time ...
Tansy is, we and various other persons with doggy knowledge agreed, made up of the following recognisable varieties : Whippet, Rhodesian Ridgeback, Fox Terrior ... the SPCA told me they were told her father was an alsation ... we don't know how much more parentage out there ... Huge heart, not quite so huge brain ... but very loveable
Madge was a baby from friends, and as the more astute of you will have noted, is quite similar to Scruffy in appearance. We often get confused still. (Both tabbies, for you less observant). She dislikes milk and fish and chicken and chop bones but will happily guts anything else around. Can demolish a dog biscuit in 2 minutes flat (after getting it out of the bag). Often brings loving gifts inside (headless birds, moths, wetas and the like). Has an ongoing fascination with the toilet - likes creating paws-on-art around the bowl interior.
So, that's the kids who you will read mentioned from time to time.
Another Soggy Welcome
A somewhat waterlogged drive. We do have a final coat of compacted gravel to come after all the tradespeople's vehicles have visited
The day was mainly spent with visits from electricians and plumbers, and another enlightening explanation of the workings of the space-age septic system we are required to have from our installer. He will also put the first of our water tanks in. (2nd water tank = Stage 6). We broke for lunch and met with Ian and Hugh (at Bambina, Main Road, Carterton - good - great risotto) for their belated birthdays, then back to the property for more meetings. Tended to the plants, stomped around in the numerous puddles, then went home.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Denise Gets Another Tractor
Denise in seventh heaven. She had the $2,500 asked for the tractor, but realised it would take a bloody long time to drive up to the Wairarapa from Little River, Banks Peninsula
The lovely mirrored tractor
It's a very tasteful and modest
They have written inside the card : 'To Denise and Jen. Wishing you all the best in your new place together. Looking forward to visiting soon. Lotsa love Cath and Di.'
Monday, November 2, 2009
The Plumber's Apprentices and Veges Under Way
Starting to demolish the old kitchen cabinets and resalvaging plumbing bits in the old kitchen. We have successfully removed a perfectly good and reuseable kitchen sink. That connector hose on the left goes to a gas fired stove and oven - appears very good order if anyone is interested in buying - perfect back-up in case of emergencies - you'll still be able to cook a roast.
The weather closed in at the end of the week, and we decided to 'take the day off' on Friday 16 Oct. After a disappointing visit to the weekly Friday Clareville Stock Sale, we headed into Masterton to find some more roof paint, get application forms from the Farm Equipment stores, and the like. We also picked up 6 old tyres free from Firestone, bought a bag of seed potatoes, and planted our first veges at Fossils Retreat.
Potatoes planted in free tyres in temporary position along front fence line. Instructions said feed well when planting. Plenty of horse manure still around for that. Then a couple of shovels of good top soil and topped with some old hay left lying on the property.
We had our first builder's quote in at the end of the week. Gulp. And that is just for 'Stage One' to get the place compliant as soon as possible (water, electricitiy and septic).
Sunday, November 1, 2009
We Get Started to Get Stuck In
Slip-sliding away ...
In between meeting and getting quotes from garage installers, builders and power connecting services, we started painting the front fence.
Once two coats had been given each side, Jennifer came to grips with the weedeater ...